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What's Next For OOH Media Agencies? (A Candid Look)

EDSA Guadalupe six years ago
MAKATI CITY, Philippines - As the second top awareness builder next to TV, Out-of-Home Media is alive and well in the Philippines.  As to how well it is doing is a different story.

Without having to cast doubts on the overall health of the industry, I'd like to state outright that the next few articles I will be writing for Outdoor.PH will zoom in on an important section of the OOH Media ecosystem, which is the OOH Media Agency, also known as OOH Media Specialist groups.

It will be an interesting look at OOH Media agencies or outdoor media units within media independents, and how they have performed over the decade and a half that this trend started coming into play.

Having seen the inception of Out-Of-Home media specialists from the time it was pioneered by UniversalMcCann, a lot of changes have come through.  Time and space on this blog may not be able to contain all the colorful stories in OOH, including all the headaches which come along with handling the medium.  In fact, the other term for OOH is Overdose Of Headache.

Join me in the next few posts on this candid look at this section of OOH media.

Lloyd Tronco is a Certified Digital Marketer and Out-Of-Home Media Strategist.  His experience in OOH Media spans being a vendor for OOH in the Visayas and Mindanao as well as being one of the pioneer OOH Media Strategists in the Philippines at the turn of the millenium. 

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